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    How to find optimal quantum states for optical micromanipulation and metrology in complex scattering problems: tutorial
    Lukas M. Rachbauer, Dorian Bouchet, Ulf Leonhardt, and Stefan Rotter
    Journal of the Optical Society of America B 41, 2122–2139 (Sep 2024)
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    Continuity equation for the flow of Fisher information in wave scattering
    Jakob Hüpfl, Felix Russo, Lukas M. Rachbauer, Dorian Bouchet, Junjie Lu, Ulrich Kuhl, and Stefan Rotter
    Nature Physics 20, 1294–1299 (Aug 2024)
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    Reaching the precision limit with tensor-based wavefront shaping
    Rodrigo Gutiérrez-Cuevas, Dorian Bouchet, Julien Rosny, and Sébastien M. Popoff
    Nature Communications 15, 6319 (Jul 2024)


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    Maximum-likelihood estimation in ptychography in the presence of Poisson–Gaussian noise statistics
    Jacob Seifert, Yifeng Shao, Rens van Dam, Dorian Bouchet, Tristan van Leeuwen, and Allard P. Mosk
    Optics Letters 48, 6027–6030 (Nov 2023)
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    Speckle-correlation imaging through a kaleidoscopic multimode fiber
    Dorian Bouchet, Antonio Miguel Caravaca-Aguirre, Guillaume Godefroy, Philippe Moreau, Irène Wang, and Emmanuel Bossy
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120, e2221407120 (Jun 2023)
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    Temporal shaping of wave fields for optimally precise measurements in scattering environments
    Dorian Bouchet, and Emmanuel Bossy
    Physical Review Research 5, 013144 (Feb 2023)
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    Single-Pixel Photoacoustic Microscopy with Speckle Illumination
    Antonio M. Caravaca-Aguirre, Florian Poisson, Dorian Bouchet, Nicolino Stasio, Philippe Moreau, Irene Wang, Edward Zhang, Paul Beard, and 5 more authors
    Intelligent Computing 2, 0011 (Jan 2023)


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    Roadmap on wavefront shaping and deep imaging in complex media
    Sylvain Gigan, Ori Katz, Hilton B. de Aguiar, Esben Ravn Andresen, Alexandre Aubry, Jacopo Bertolotti, Emmanuel Bossy, Dorian Bouchet, and 37 more authors
    Journal of Physics: Photonics 4, 042501 (Aug 2022)


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    Optimal Control of Coherent Light Scattering for Binary Decision Problems
    Dorian Bouchet, Lukas M. Rachbauer, Stefan Rotter, Allard P. Mosk, and Emmanuel Bossy
    Physical Review Letters 127, 253902 (Dec 2021)
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    Invariance Property of the Fisher Information in Scattering Media
    Michael Horodynski, Dorian Bouchet, Matthias Kühmayer, and Stefan Rotter
    Physical Review Letters 127, 233201 (Dec 2021)
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    Maximum information states for coherent scattering measurements
    Dorian Bouchet, Stefan Rotter, and Allard P. Mosk
    Nature Physics 17, 564–568 (May 2021)
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    Fundamental Bounds on the Precision of Classical Phase Microscopes
    Dorian Bouchet, Jonathan Dong, Dante Maestre, and Thomas Juffmann
    Physical Review Applied 15, 024047 (Feb 2021)
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    Efficient and flexible approach to ptychography using an optimization framework based on automatic differentiation
    Jacob Seifert, Dorian Bouchet, Lars Loetgering, and Allard P. Mosk
    OSA Continuum 4, 121–128 (Jan 2021)
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    Optimizing illumination for precise multi-parameter estimations in coherent diffractive imaging
    Dorian Bouchet, Jacob Seifert, and Allard P. Mosk
    Optics Letters 46, 254–257 (Jan 2021)


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    Influence of the Local Scattering Environment on the Localization Precision of Single Particles
    Dorian Bouchet, Rémi Carminati, and Allard P. Mosk
    Physical Review Letters 124, 133903 (Apr 2020)


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    Cramér-Rao analysis of lifetime estimations in time-resolved fluorescence microscopy
    Dorian Bouchet, Valentina Krachmalnicoff, and Ignacio Izeddin
    Optics Express 27, 21239–21252 (Jul 2019)
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    Quantum dipole emitters in structured environments: a scattering approach: tutorial
    Dorian Bouchet, and Rémi Carminati
    Journal of the Optical Society of America A 36, 186–195 (Feb 2019)
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    Probing near-field light-matter interactions with single-molecule lifetime imaging
    D. Bouchet, J. Scholler, G. Blanquer, Y. De Wilde, I. Izeddin, and V. Krachmalnicoff
    Optica 6, 135–138 (Feb 2019)


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    Correlated blinking of fluorescent emitters mediated by single plasmons
    D. Bouchet, E. Lhuillier, S. Ithurria, A. Gulinatti, I. Rech, R. Carminati, Y. De Wilde, and V. Krachmalnicoff
    Physical Review A 95, 033828 (Mar 2017)


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    Enhancement and Inhibition of Spontaneous Photon Emission by Resonant Silicon Nanoantennas
    Dorian Bouchet, Mathieu Mivelle, Julien Proust, Bruno Gallas, Igor Ozerov, Maria F. Garcia-Parajo, Angelo Gulinatti, Ivan Rech, and 4 more authors
    Physical Review Applied 6, 064016 (Dec 2016)
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    Long-Range Plasmon-Assisted Energy Transfer between Fluorescent Emitters
    D. Bouchet, D. Cao, R. Carminati, Y. De Wilde, and V. Krachmalnicoff
    Physical Review Letters 116, 037401 (Jan 2016)